The Insatiable Wants of Human Nature: Nothing is ever going to be enough.

Winner Ajibola
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


So in my constant state of wallowing and social media consumption, I recently found a tweet that expressed a thought I’ve been having. This is one of the beauties of social media. The fact that someone can accurately describe a feeling or thought you have in just a few words without even ever meeting you.

Okay, I’m digressing. Let’s get back.

Have you ever wanted something so bad because of the convenience, beauty, status, bragging rights or achievements you’ll get from it? That’s a stupid question actually. You’re human. Of course, you’ve had that moment.

It might have been a university admission, a job after school, a masters degree, a new house, marriage, a child and all that.

In seeking this desire, you hope, pray, fast, apply better, write that letter of motivation with a sprinkle of lies and exaggerated facts and all you can do within your power to make this dream come true.

And then you get it. You get the job you’re going to be earning in 7 figures. Your wedding day is here, you look fabulous. Got the admission? You’re leaving Nigeria! Then what happens after this utmost satisfaction?

You realize you actually have to work even harder, study more by taking numerous classes and assignments. Oh, that person you married? You realize you’re going to live with them for a very long time. How do you make that work?

So you get anxious and paranoid because you realize that achieving this dream is just another vanity metric you have to sustain. And after many panic sessions, you pick yourself up with new goals and a new plan. How to get more money. How to get that permanent citizenship by any means necessary. You think about raising kids and figuring out ways to make your many years with this special someone beautiful.

And it never stops.

We are humans and our wants are insatiable so it is never enough. So when you get to that point remember that it’s the pursuing that’s really exciting. Set new goals and enjoy getting them.

Yeah, I just chipped that in to make myself sound knowledgeable. I don’t know what this post is supposed to do. It’s just me writing down what I’m thinking and illustrating the new void I feel.

Oh yeah, here’s the tweet I was referring to.



Winner Ajibola

Business Strategy, Corporate Branding, Marketing, & Life in Between